St Mary's Catholic Primary School - Ysgol Gynradd Gatholig y Santes Fair

Clwb Hwyl @ St Mary's

After School Club

Clwb Hwyl runs every day during term time from 3.10pm until 6.00pm in the Clwb Hwyl Room. Outside we have lots of fantastic equipment to support physical play, whilst indoors we have games and craft activities in abundance. We promote free choice so our children are able to choose what activities they do each night.

It is a safe, secure place for St. Mary's children to have a healthy snack and take part in a variety of fun activities.


First child*

Second child*

picked up between 3.10pm and 6.00pm



Bookings should be made via School Gateway.

Our CIW number is CYM00003551.

*Please note that from 1st April 2025, the prices will go up to £10 for the first child and £8 for the second child.

Tax-Free Childcare:

You can get tax-free childcare at Clwb Hwyl. Click on this link for more details:

You might also be able to benefit from Employer Childcare Voucher Schemes:

In a nutshell, parents can check if they are eligible for the government scheme and, if so, open an account to pay vouchers in or they may have accrued vouchers in their employer's scheme. When they pay us for childcare the funds go straight into the Clwb Hwyl bank account. 

Food at Clwb Hwyl

The children have a snack every night. Here is the Autumn Term menu:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday




A selection of fruit


Milk or water


Warm tuna or ham wraps




A selection of fruit


Milk or water



Beans on toast


A selection of fruit


Milk or water


Pizza slice




A selection of fruit


Milk or water


Hot dog


A selection of fruit


Milk or water



Admissions Policy

Arrival and Collection of Children Policy

Child Protection Policy

Club Closure Procedure

Complaints Policy and Procedure

Fees Policy

Medication Policy

Temporary Closure of Club Policy


Job Vacancies

There are no current vacancies

Clwb Hwyl Committee Documents

Member Role Description

Chair Role Description

Treasurer Role Description

Secretary Role Description