The Crowning of Mary
Mary is our school's patron saint. May is the month of Mary.
Each year, during the month of May (or sometimes June depending on the date of the First Holy Communion celebrations), we crown a statue of Mary. The children who have made their First Holy Communion lead us all on a procession around our school before we place flowers at the feet of the statue. The children make paper flowers in art sessions in the week before the event. We sing songs about Mary and Canon Adrian joins us in a litany to Mary. It is a beautiful occasion.
Crowning of Mary 2024
As the weather forecast was changeable for the day of the crowning, we crowned Mary in the school hall following a procession around the school grounds. The children had prepared some beautiful flowers to place at the feet of the statue. Canon Adrian joined us for a short service and litany to Mary.
Crowning of Mary 2024
Crowning of Mary 2022
In 2022, it was a really, really hot day when we crowned Mary. Canon Adrian joined us as we celebrated our school's patron saint by crowning a statue of her outside. The Year 3s who had received their first Holy Communion the weekend before led our procession. Pictures from the day are below.
Crowning of Mary 2022
In 2021, because of the rain, we had to do the crowning inside, and because it was Year 4 who had been preparing for their First Holy Communions, it was them who led the procession. Pictures from the day are below.