Sacramental Preparation
Year 3 is a very special year for our children. This is the year in which they celebrate the sacraments of reconciliation and the sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time.
Receiving Sacraments is a vital expression of who we are as followers of Christ. They are celebrations of the different ways in which God loves us and shows us how to love. The Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist are traditionally received during Year 3 (although older children and adults also receive these sacraments each year).
The Role of Parents:
- The faith formation of children and their preparation to celebrate the sacraments is primarily the responsibility of parents. Canon Adrian, as parish priest, Year 3 teachers and the parish community share this responsibility and assist parents to bring their child to the fullness of a life of discipleship through prayer, support, formal catechetical programs and preparation processes.
- Parents prepare their children for sacraments by first serving as an example through their own regular participation in the Sunday Eucharist, their own modelling of prayer and service, and their active participation in the life of the parish community.
- Parents have the privilege, right and responsibility to be intimately involved in preparing their children for sacraments.
- Parents are expected to attend parent sessions so that their ability to participate in the preparation of their child to receive the sacrament is enhanced.
St Paul said once that there is faith, hope and love and the greatest of these is love. We could say that in preparation of children for first Communion there is parish, school and family and the greatest of these is family.
At St. Mary's, school and parish are committed to supporting family. We thank the families of the children preparing for first Communion for being families of love and families of forgiveness and we encourage you to fully participate in your children’s preparation.
Preparation for Reconciliation and First Eucharist includes:
- Weekly attendance at Sunday Mass
- Attendance and active participation at weekly class.
- Participation in sacramental preparation sessions
- Completion of parent/child home assignments
- Providing a copy of the child’s Baptismal certificate (if not baptised at St. Mary's).
All candidates who have received the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist are encouraged to continue receiving the Eucharist weekly and to receive the Lord’s gift of forgiveness when needed (a few times a year is recommended).
- Designation of a sponsor who will support, guide and pray for/with your child during – and beyond – the time of preparation.
2024 First Holy Communicants