St Mary's Catholic Primary School - Ysgol Gynradd Gatholig y Santes Fair

Prayer and Liturgy

The St Mary's Book of Prayers

Prayer time at St Mary's takes many forms. Days are always started and ended with prayers in class and all classes say a grace before meals. We use the prayers in the St Mary's Book of Prayers throughout the year.

On some days, we partake in collective worship together as a whole school in assemblies and the other days we have celebration of the Word sessions in class, which are sometimes led by the teacher and sometimes led by children. We also run Rosary Clubs and prayer groups at different times of the year.

There is always at least one collective worship every day, according to the following timetable:

Day Assembly Duration

Gospel Assembly for Years 4 - 6


Class-based Celebration of the Word for Years N - 3

30 minutes


Timetabled by the class teacher and appropriate in length for the age of the children


Gospel Assembly for Years N - 3


Class-based Celebration of the Word for Years 4 - 6

30 minutes


Timetabled by the class teacher and appropriate in length for the age of the children

Wednesday Music-based worship (Hymn Practice) 30 minutes
Thursday Class assembly or class-based Celebration of the Word Timetabled by the class teacher and appropriate in length for the age of the children
Friday Celebration Assembly 40 minutes