Planned Absence Request Form
At St. Mary’s, we actively promote and encourage all pupils to achieve 100% attendance and we expect all pupils to attend school every day, on time, as long as they are fit and healthy to do so.
Parents wishing to apply for their child to be granted leave from school should complete the form below for consideration before booking and well in advance (at least two weeks) of the proposed leave. Upon receipt of a request, the Headteacher and Chair of Governors will make a decision as to whether to authorise the absence, being mindful of government regulations and LA guidance. The legislation only allows the Headteacher to authorise such leave in special or exceptional circumstances. By definition, special or exceptional trips should not occur regularly. Therefore, it is not expected that holiday leave will be requested on an annual basis.
In total there are 175 non-school days a year. This gives families the opportunity to:
- Spend time together
- Go on family visits and days out
- Go on holiday
- Go shopping
- Attend routine appointments
Students are not granted leave of absence unless there are exceptional circumstances.
Any such absences are at the discretion of the Headteacher.
Taking a holiday during term time seriously affects your child’s attendance and, in turn, their attainment.
Attendance should be a priority. If there are any problems please contact school immediately.
A student who ends the school year on 90% attendance will have missed four complete weeks of school.
*Please note the Local Authority now has the power to issue fines to families for unauthorised absences.
Where possible, please arrange doctor or dentist appointments outside of school hours. If children have an appointment in the morning, they should still attend school in the afternoon. If they have an appointment in the afternoon, they should attend school in the morning.