St Mary's Catholic Primary School - Ysgol Gynradd Gatholig y Santes Fair

Healthy Schools

A healthy school is a happy school. An effective school is a healthy school. At St. Mary’s, we promote physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing. 

St Mary's is part of the Healthy Schools Network. A health promoting school is one which actively promotes and protects the physical, mental and social health and well-being of its community through positive action by such means as policy, strategic planning and staff development with regard to its curriculum, ethos, physical environment and community relations.

Pupils at St. Mary’s have the opportunity to purchase healthy snacks each week, costing £1.25. There is a delicious range of fruit and vegetables available. Any pupil who does not wish to purchase snack from school is encouraged to bring their own healthy snack. We also encourage healthy food choices to be brought in as part of pupils’ packed lunches.

School water bottles can be bought from the school office. Pupils are advised to bring a water bottle to school on a daily basis. This helps them to concentrate throughout the day.

We would also like to remind you that St. Mary’s is a NUT FREE school. Please be aware when packing lunches. Diolch!


Snacks and Drinks in School

We encourage all children to bring healthy snacks and drinks into school. Fruit and vegetables should be the only snack at break times. Water should be provided every day. 

Healthy snack guidance

Healthy drink guidance