St Mary's Catholic Primary School - Ysgol Gynradd Gatholig y Santes Fair

Additional Learning Needs

St Mary’s is a fully inclusive school where children ‘Live, learn and grow together in Jesus’. We recognise and celebrate the uniqueness of every individual and the contribution that each child brings to our school community. 

Pupils with additional learning needs (ALN) are identified and appropriately supported in order for them to thrive in all aspects of their lives, with us prioritising the well-being of the child at the heart of our person-centred practice. We believe children should be offered full access to a broad, balanced and inclusive curriculum to enable them to become valuable citizens and reach their full potential, including trips and Physical Education. We also ensure that all staff are aware of the needs of individual children and receive up-to-date information and training wherever necessary. The Governing body will ensure that arrangements are in place to support learners with healthcare needs.

It is through a commitment to working together with those within our school community, and other relevant external agencies, that we ensure that our children receive the best provision to be able to successfully participate fully in all aspects of school life. 

If you would like to discuss the needs of your child or have questions or concerns, please get in touch with our ALNCo, Mrs Jones, who can be contacted via the office or the school email

 ALN Code Guide for Parents 2023 (Welsh government document)

Information guide to ALN for parents and carers (Flintshire document)

Moving to the ALN system - information for children

A guide to ALN for children and young people

 What is ALN? (Snap Cymru webpage)

How are pupils needs met at St Mary's?

Pupils’ needs are met through our graduated response:

  • In-class learning support using adaptive teaching methods to meet pupils’ needs through our universal offer.
  • Specific, non-classroom-based targetted interventions; these may be made up literacy, numeracy or social and emotional support. Our interventions are delivered by trained facilitators within the school. Interventions take place as a mixture of small group interventions and individual (one to one).
  • If a child is deemed to have ALN requiring them to have access to provision that is additional to and different from the provision that is generally made available for others of the same age, then they will require additional learning provision (ALP). These children will require an Individual Development Plan (IDP).

The school works very closely with a variety of outside agencies such as the Speech and Language Service, Inclusion Outreach Service, Educational Psychologist Team, Nurture Outreach, CAMHS and others to support and seek guidance where required.

For pupils who require them, IDPs are created through collaboration with all involved in the child’s learning and will detail what has been identified for the child’s needs to progress. A description of their needs, how they can best be supported and what is important to and for them will be detailed. It will describe how St Mary’s will aim to support the child’s ALN.

For a small group of children with IDPs any identified ALP they may require is accessed in our Nurture Group. The Nurture Group spends time in the Rainbow Room where pupils have daily access to a bespoke, multi-sensory curriculum  focusing on outcomes from their IDPs. Learning opportunities are also provided to support children in developing their independence, developing their social interaction and improving their speech, language and communication skills. Children accessing this nurture setting still have access to the breadth of the curriculum in their mainstream classes and enrichment activities such as trips.

St Mary's Nurture Group

ALN Consideration

If class teachers or parents think that a child may require further support, they will be referred to our ALNCo for assessments.  A child may need additional assessments for the ALNCo to examine their attainment levels in reading, spelling, receptive language and non-verbal ability.  It is at this point that the ALN consideration process may begin.

Mrs Jones, our ALNCo (Additional Learning Needs Coordinator), works very closely with teaching staff and teaching assistants to provide support for children with ALN within our school. If you have any concerns about your child's progress, please don't hesitate to contact her. 

If you need any further information, please contact the school to make an appointment.

Person-Centred Practice

In September 2021, the Reforms for Children and Young People with Additional Learning Needs in Wales were implemented.  Person-Centred Practice is at the centre of the new reforms. Please watch this short video explaining what being person-centred means and how you as a parent or carer can help to support this.

A parents' guide to Person-Centred Reviews 

Are parents/carers involved?

We like to consider our door is always open. Therefore, we welcome parent/carers to chat with the class teacher and Mrs Jones, the ALNCo, to discuss further ways that they can work with school to help support their child.

Support Information for Parents

Our downloadable guide gives information for parents of children with:

  • ASD
  • ADHD
  • Literacy Difficulties / Dyslexia
  • Numeracy Difficulties / Dyscalculia
  • Fine and Gross Motor Coordination / Dyspraxia
  • Speech and Language Issues

Support Information for Parents


Families in Flintshire can access the new regional ALN Information and Support Service (ALNISS). This service is provided by SNAP Cymru and replaces the Parent Partnership Service  by Flintshire Citizen Advice.

SNAP Cymru offer impartial information, advice and support for children and their parents or carers and young people who have/or may have additional learning needs. The service can help with 'one off',  straightforward advice or more in-depth support from a caseworker who will:

•         Provide clear, reliable and straightforward information about options

•         Help parents and young people to confidently share their views make informed decisions

•         Help ensure everyone is focusing on the child or young person's best interests

You can find out more about SNAP Cymru at



The Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act (ALNET) has been passed and will be supported by a new code. This sets out how the ideas from the act will work in practice. The draft code was published in December 2018.

The key messages surrounding these changes are outlined below:

  • The term Additional Learning Needs (ALN) will replace the terms Special Educational Needs (SEN) and Learning Difficulties and Disabilities (LDD). Children with ALN will be supported through additional learning provision (ALP)
  • SENCos will now be called an ALNCo (additional learning needs coordinator)
  • The new code will cover 0 - 25 year olds which means further education colleges and specialist independent colleges will now also be included (although not higher education or apprenticeships)
  • There will be an emphasis on high aspirations and improved outcomes for children and young people with ALN
  • The graduated system of school action, school action plus and statements is being replaced and all children who are identified as having ALN will have an Individual Development Plan (IDP). The IDP will replace IEPs, IBPs or IPPs
  • Most IDPs will be maintained by the school but where it is considered unreasonable for the school to do so (such as for those with more severe or complex ALN) the Local Authority may maintain them
  • There will be an increased participation from children, young people, parents and carers in the creation and maintenance of IDPs through person-centred planning
  • It is hoped that closer collaboration and working together in partnership should help us to avoid disagreements
  • All reasonable steps will be taken to secure provision in Welsh if required
  • All children and young people who have an IDP will have an equal right to appeal to tribunal

If you wish to read the draft code there is both a full version and an easy read version available on the Welsh Government website

If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact Mrs. Jones or you can contact Parent Partnership Service, Citizens Advice Flintshire who offer free, independent advice and support to parents on the Flintshire Citizens Advice website or calling: 01352 706840

Link to Snap Cymru Help for Families website

Download Snap Cymru Individual Development Plan

Download ALN Factsheet

STAND North Wales

CAMHS for parents

Flintshire Empowering Parents